How does this work?
- Register now for this fun online demo
- Get a sneak peak at our amazing new invention to charge all your devices without wires!
- Give your opinion/feedback (takes 2 mins)
- You’re in the draw for the WATCH + MAGFAST Time charger!
(Average demo rating is 4.8/5 Stars. You’ll love it too!)
Who Should Attend?
- Lovers of:
○ Great design
○ Easy-to-use tech
○ Premium quality products
- Owners of:
○ Apple & Android smartphones
○ Kindles, iPads & other readers/tablets
○ Other portable electronics
We’ve just revealed a remarkable new invention and would love to have your opinion.
Join us for a fast, fun online demo… and let us know what you think of this amazing new tech.
Claim your spot right here and get in the draw for a gorgeous WATCH!